Well, I'm addicted. :) I can't stop myself from making these cute snowflakes. I wanted to make a few for my classroom door at school in January for a decoration and I just can't stop. It's so fun to wonder what each one will turn out like... I fold... cut randomly... hold my breath as I unfold it... and wallah... each one is beautiful and unique and I can't believe I could make something so pretty without trying. :) Sure, as you make a few you understand a little more what to do to get what sort of effect, but it
still surprises you in the end and is so serendipitous. Here's a few...

were hanging and dangling and taped all over my classroom and now I have taken them home to dangle here. (I have now put up Saint Patrick's Day decorations that I made and will put up some Easter stuff shortly in my classroom). In case you want to know how to make such splendid snowflakes, here's a guide. (The yellow snowflake isn't so pretty, but it's a good simple design to teach you how).
btw- you can also use coffee filters and fold them up to cut.

Here's a fun website that you can make snowflakes with online.
http://snowflakes.lookandfeel.com/ or click
here. It's quicker and just as pretty, you just don't get to keep them in the end. :)
Probably because of all these snowflakes around here the weather has decided to become chilly and stormy again, just when the snow was melting and looking close to spring. This is what I saw from my backdoor two days ago. Isn't that incredible? It was so cool to see that storm coming in on such a pretty day? I guess I better make some kites or butterflies or something to dangle from my entry way balcony to
entice warmer weather. :)

Those snowflakes are so darling! It may be effortless to you Miss Arsty, but that's a serious talent you have! And that picture of the mountains behind your house is gorgeous! What a view!
If I attempted those snow flakes they wouldn't turn out looking anything like your cool ones!
This is the only kind of snow I like in March. They're loberly.
It is true Kare, most of us wouldn't be able to make our snowflakes anywhere near as intricate and loberly.
Breathtaking snowflakes. I love them. So I'm not going to stop you. Keep 'em comin!
And I was so convinced that we were well on our way into spring, and it turned all freezing again! Oh, well, I guess it's good for our drought issues we have here...
wait, wait. Did you MOUNT those on something? Are they pasted to wax paper or something like that?
I thought you were just silly until i noticed that. Now you are officially Obsessed and Need Help.
Nah- it's not wax paper. I laminated them at my school so they wouldn't get hurt and could store well for next year. :)
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