Thursday, January 02, 2014

Another chart :) Health Habit Tracker Calendar


(Update- Jan 2023) I found out last year that a few people had taken this chart and were selling it on Etsy. That wasn't the purpose for it. I wrote the individuals and asked them to take it down and they wouldn't. I contacted Etsy and the easiest way to get them to take it down was to be selling it myself and report it as stolen art. So I put it up very cheap on there so you can still get it for almost free and Etsy removed it from the other stores. I hope you continue to enjoy using this and that you make wonderful leaps in your goals, progress, and dreams! If you would like to use a leap year version for 2024- that is in my Etsy shop as well. The different links are below.)

 Yup.  Another chart.  I know... it's how my brain and motivation work. :)   So, I love choosing goals (which makes my 13 year old daughter constantly roll her eyes at me.  Every January I freak out trying to just choose one goal for the year to focus on the most.  I just can't do it.   hahaha  

I had a brilliant idea!  I can just focus on one goal each month.  Then if I slip up one day, it's not big deal.  For some reason messing up on a goal that will change at the end of the month seems a lot less terrifying than messing up on a goal that I'm going to try to do the whole year.  I made this calendar in Photoshop and then printed it off and separated out the months into little boxes of the number of days of each month.  Everyday I can color in a little box.  It sounds sooo lame, but for some reason it really motivates me and gets me excited to color in a stupid little box.  At the end of the year this is going to to be a rainbow explosion of awesomeness hanging on the wall in my pantry and hopefully I'll have developed a few more cool hobbies, healthy habits, etc.   Besides, it'll stop me stewing through half the month trying to figure out what New Years Resolution I am going to choose- I get 12- just one at a time. :)   If you would like to print this off and have a fun year of growing more awesome along with me and my family then please follow this link to my etsy shop here where you can purchase it for CHEAP!  

For those that like the original design from 10 years ago, I've digitized it in a way to keep the original design, but with cleaner lines and larger digital numbers. The file will hold both styles in case people like the hand drawn original better.  

I have also created a bundle package of the new digitized design and individual months to spotlight and color in. You can find it here in my Etsy shop.

It comes in 3 sizes (US Letter, A4, and A5) with individual motivational quotes for each month. The bundle also includes the one sheet calendar in 4 sizes (US Letter, A4, A5, and Poster 12"x18"). Go have a look! Like all my other trackers, it's in my shop and really cheap. 


Liesa Wilson said...

What a great idea! Thanks

kirsty said...

I found this on pinterest and love it, thanks for sharing!