Sunday, December 26, 2010

I FINISHED- and just in time for Christmas :)

Hooray! I stitched my last stitches at 9:30pm Christmas Eve. I have put probably over 50 hours into this baby designing, sketching, sewing, stuffing, beading and embroidering! I'm so happy it's such a hit with my sweet little girl who loves to sing her ABC's :)

Penelope finding it under the tree

Excitedly flipping through it and pulling her favorite little turtle guy out of his pocket shouting "A TOORRRDLE!" (She rolls her r's and d's) :)

Back Cover

Detail on back cover.

For closer pictures of the little figures look at these posts here and here


Thursday, December 23, 2010

A little something for my niece

This is something that I sent my niece for Christmas. I'm pretty sure she doesn't read my blog- so I'm not worried about spoiling anything ;)

She loves LOVES to read and write. She keeps a journal with her where ever she goes so she can write down her poetry as inspiration comes. Her favorite colors are red, black, and white so when I saw this journal at the store I had to get it for
her. I added little quotes and drawings inside it and made this bookmark for her out of felt. The little red-headed girl was inspired by one of my felt pieces I made for Pip's book. Instead of making her holding an xray of herself I added pretty embroidery and bead work. :) This little present was a fun way to spend a day and now it's on her way to her for Christmas. I'm crossing my fingers it gets there in time.

(Detail on the little red-headed girl)
(Back inside cover) One of the drawings
I put in with a favorite quote of mine.

More ABC dudes

I have now finished the little ABC figures and made the pages and pockets of the book. I just need to sew it all together! I hope to be finished by Christmas so I can give it to my sweet Pip! I have put so many hours into this project and it has been very fun and fulfilling.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

ABC fun

Well it finally happened... I got the urge to start a project after quite the dry spell. :) And of course it has happened the way it usually does- I get knocked over with a few ideas at once and it consumes. I'll post as I finish, but for now here is one of the projects I am working on. I want to make a present for my little Pip for Christmas. She absolutely loves when we sing the ABC song so I am going to make her an ABC felt chart. Well at least it was going to be a chart until about 2 hours ago when my friend suggested I make it into a big felt book- PURE GENIUS! :) Then she can take it with her where ever. I have a feeling church will be more bearable with this book.

So the way it's going to work is that each letter has it's own pocket. Inside each pocket will be a felt plush object stuffed with cotton. That way she can play with the pieces and they'll hold up well. She can put them in and out of the pockets all she likes and they wont get lost because they will be attached to their own pocket by a string. I can't tell you how tempted I am to buy an embroidery machine because of this project. I usually do these sorts of projects with my sister (she's got an embroidery machine) but I think she has sworn off this sort of madness for a while.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the little felt objects that will go in the pockets. They are much more 3 dimentional then they appear in the pictures with detail on both sides. It's fun because I can get as detailed as I like because I am only making one of each- not like my advent calendars where I was making anywhere from 4 to 12 pockets at a time.