Thursday, September 20, 2007

What Jane Austen Character Are You?

Well this was fun. Try it out. I'm so happy I turned out to be my favorite character! When I think about it, I would probably have to admit that I am a bit of an Emma. I do just love Pride and Prejudice though. I know the book by heart in many places and definitely the A&E movie version is memorized. I always spurt out little lines that apply to life every once in a while. I go through my Jane Austen phase and try to reread her books every spring, but most of all Pride and Prejudice if I can't fit any other book in. I watch the 6 hour A&E version monthly and my girls groan, "Oh no, not Mr. Darcy again!" :) I like to watch it while I sew or catch up on backed up laundry. Believe me, it can take that long.

Anyway, try it out and tell me who you are.

I am Elizabeth Bennet!

Take the Quiz here!


Amber said...

It doesn't surprise me one bit that you are Elizabeth Bennet.

Anonymous said...

Just saw the movie Becoming Jane, i loved it !!

jessica said...

I am Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility. What's funny is that I have known you for so long but I have never seen a Jane Austen Movie or read on of her books. I'm a total loser in that regard!!

Krisser said...

I'm Elizabeth too, and I'm dying to see Becoming Jane!

Nanette said...

Oh, whatever! We all know you are Lydia Bennet!

Kristen said...

i totally came up as Elinor Dashwood. How is that possible? i did NOT collapse in a sobbing heap when craig confessed his love to me!! :)

Karalenn Hippen said...

humph! I may just have to delete that awful comment Nanette! Now I'm going to write terrible things all over your blog. :) There, was that Lydia enough?

Xena said...

I think I'm Elizabeth because I have older sisters. Hmmm, and I hated my husband when I first met him - but I thought he was too bitter not too proud.