Last Friday was my first ever GIRL'S WEEKEND! This group of us (Me, Betsey,
Kristen, Nanette, Hannah,
Melissa, and Robin) all went to Stephenie Meyers' ECLIPSE Prom in Tempe, Arizona. And we went in style! :) Stephenie Meyers is the fabulous author of "Twilight" and "New Moon" and is about to release her third book "Eclipse". We left our husbands and kids at home and rented a van driving from Los Angeles to Scottsdale, AZ (near Pheonix). We stayed in a beautiful time share and had lots of fun going out to eat, shopping, hanging around and talking, but most of all getting ready for the book signing (prom) and going. Here's some pictures from the main event of the trip! (My friends took pictures of Stephenie Meyers signing my "Twilight" book that I'll have to post later when I get a copy of the pic). Enjoy the rest of the pictures though.

Before we left on the trip we planned out all of our outfits and helped each other make them. I sewed this dress for Halloween this year to be a vampire after I had read Stephenie's books. I left out the vampire teeth, wig, and vampire collar that I wore for Halloween. (I wanted to feel more pretty this time- hehe). Kristen sewed Nanette's amazing flapper dress and Hannah's super cute hippy dress.
Kristen and I sewed her black and white Jane Austen style dress dress. She looked so beautiful! There's a better picture of all of our dresses a little way down. We spent several hours getting ready and while Kristen did most everyone's hair, I did most everyone's make-up. (It's so fun being a girl!)

The back of my hair. :) I didn't know quite how my hair looked until I saw the pictures that my friends took and now I think I will do my hair like this everyday. :) (I was just guessing at where to put the curls and flowers.) I wore curlers the night before and we stopped at a resturaunt and got lots of funny looks and comments. Good fun.

Here we are walking on the way to the Prom. Melissa is the one that took the picture, so she's missing :( but the order from left to right is me, Betsey, Nanette, Kristen, Hannah, and Robin. We all have dresses from different eras. Melissa (who is not pictured is 70's). Robin is one hot momma in her taffeta pencil skirt and Betsey was a knockout in that lacy number!

This is a picture someone took of me on stage at the prom. I won the runner up for costume for the night. So fun! I twirled and posed up there for everyone to take pictures of me and felt fun and silly all at once. It was embarrassing and flattering to have people coming up to me all night long taking my picture. I felt like one of those people that I see all the time in Hollywood by Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

Here is
Melissa in her Gunny Sak dress that her grandma made for her mom's wedding reception 30 years ago. She looked so cute! Here she is posing with Edward Cullen and Jacob Black for those of you who have read the books :) Click on the link of her name (Melissa) highlighted above because she did such a wonderful job describing the night!
For the most part at the dance, the music wasn't very danceable. Then they played a great crazy dancing song that was from middle school- early high school for me. We screamed loudly cheering for old school and yelled for everyone to dance running out on to the floor. We made a big circle spinning and dancing and having a great time. The circle grew bigger and bigger and the next few songs were fun. I'm glad that at least we got in a little bit of dancing. I really wanted to shake it more, but am grateful for the few songs we got in. :) Maybe next time our group could plan the next one. hahaha

This is us out to eat afterwards at the Cheesecake Factory. Of course we caused a scene, but it was more fun than embarrassing (especially with 6 other girls dressed up too). fyi- it is not easy fitting/sitting at a table in a dress that has a hoop skirt and 36 yards of tulle underneath poking it out. :)

At the book signing (prom) Stephenie read the first chapter of Eclipse (book 3), but we missed it. She was selling a special version of "New Moon" (book 2) that had the first chapter in it to Eclipse and so on the way home, we stopped to read it. We actually tried to read it that night after getting back from the prom and Cheesecake Factory, but we were so exhausted that we decided to read on the way home. We found a fun little desert spot to read in and have a picnic. It was especially fun to read in the scenes that Stephenie describes about AZ in her books (most of the books take place near Seattle, but Bella is from Pheonix).
So I am showing that I am officially a nerd for all to see or else beyone cool. :) All I know is that I had the time of my life and love these girls! I will miss them SO SO SO SO SO SO much when we move in less than 3 weeks to Utah. :( I hope I can find super cool, nerdy girls to hang out with in Utah too. It was the best, fun trip ever and I want to do more like these in the future. I came back invigorated and full of gushiness for my family that I missed and gushiness for my friends.
wow! what a fabulous set! I'd say I'm green with envy, but green with admiration would perhaps be more accurate? I'm so glad you had such a good time, and that you posted about it so people like me could read and drool.
I don't know about super cool, but I'm plenty nerdy, and I'd love to hang out with you when you move to Utah. (though, I won't exactly be a next door neighbor, I guess, but a lot closer than from here to LA!)
That sounds like so much fun! I love girl trips! I've only taken one since I got married and it feelt so nice to be able to act like a teenager with no responsibilities and just have fun with the girls. When are we taking our girl trip???
OH HOW FUN! I love the DRESS UP idea....and I am so in awe of anyone who can SEW! Is there anything you can't do? Gorgeous. and I am now dying to read these books!! Anything that can inspire that type of following/party has got to be good!! (I feel this way about the Diana Gabaldon books...have you read them? Great reads.)
hwta a stunning dress you must have had the most fab time
OK...I finished Twilight early this morning (almost made me late for work!) and bought New Moon on the way home (I rationalized these expenses with the plan that I can pass these on to my teenage nieces when I see them this weekend--I hope they haven't read them yet!) I can't believe how drawn in I am! Thanks for the tip!
: )
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