Usually we will mail our cross-stitches back and forth just to mix things up, but with these we haven't. Here are some pictures of my progress after 2 years.
This is the full view of what I have done so far...

Here are a few close ups of the detail.

I'm super excited about this find. We have been table and chair-less since October. While driving
home from the library on Saturday I took a wrong turn accidentally and drove past an estate sale which had this 7 piece set for only $100! I am currently stripping it down, sanding it and re-painting. I do like the black- it's just horribly beat up. So I'm gonna make it pretty! :) This sure beats paying 10 times as much. I'll post pics when I'm done and it's in th
e house and I've sewn a pretty table runner or something for it.

Moving right along:
What do you do with such scrumptious fabrics????

For starters make a hair clip board for my 3 girlies.:) A friend taught a bunch of us last weekend how to make these. Super easy- super cheap- unless of course you want to buy expensive stuff. :) Now all I need to do is learn how to make those cute flower hair clips....

Also I think you should buy this (book)-

which of course I did and sew some new, funky clothes for your kids that they will adore! It's a fabulous way to use all my scraps. I just ordered the book and it's on it's w
ay. I can't wait!
Last of all: (for the time being)
This chore chart that I put together has made a HUGE difference in our house. I drew up a basic design, looked up images online of kids doing chores, designed little cards, printed, cut, and laminated them. Next I went to the store and picked up some poster board, put it all together, attached velcro to everything and voilĂ it's finished!

The girls will do am chores and pm chores- and when they are done they un-velcro them and stick them in the pocket waiting for me to decide what they will do the next day. There is a section for extra chores other than their normal to-do, which they can be paid extra for and a little chart to check off how they've done that day. They earn a bonus by being ready by 8am everyday as well. Each Monday night after Family Home Evening we look at their week's progress and pay them accordingly. They actually get excited to wake up and unvelcro their cards and check stuff off. The key to the success of this is for me to fill up their chore chart every morning before they wake up or the night before. Makenzie was finally able to earn enough to add to her savings from this past year to buy her own bike! Kendyl bought a pillow pet- and mom doesn't feel so stressed out about asking them to do each chore they need to that day. They are responsible for themselves! Hooray! :)
Here's a few upclose pictures of Kendyl's chart.

Well I'm off to go scrape some more paint off the top of that table.
I think the paint stripper has been sitting on it long enough. :)
Happy project making to you! Tell me what you are up to...
Amazing! You are a bit too talented I tell ya. LOVE the chore chart and the hair bow holder. Tell me how you made it? The hair bow holder that is. I need to make one for my girlies.
And if you ever make more advent calendars for Christmas, let me know. I want one!
I have a question about one of your previous projects, I see you didn't post any contact information, can you please email me?
I am just a busy stay at home mom/homeschooler/a million other things and I promise I won't spam you!
I'm working on a cross-stitch too. That shouldn't surprise you, I've always had some grandma in me, right? It's Hunter's name, I did one for Benjamin and it's framed and matted in his room. It's fun.
I saw Daryn, Seth's old roommate, a few weeks ago at the Kentucky temple. Anyway, he would love to visit with you guys. SO, email me and let me know if I can pass on info to him. Actually, I don't have Seth's email and I don't know if I have your correct phone #. Anyway, my email is sheri_blunck@yahoo.com
Love you!
Busy Hands are Happy Hands right? Love the chore chart! Wow - that cross-stitch project takes dedication! Can't wait to see the new table ;)
So you just might be the cutest, coolest, craftiest mom ever... I think it is down to you and Kristi. Ha! I love all your projects. I am currently between projects, but I completed a blanket for each of my kids before Christmas, embroidered a few levi squares for a quilt I am have on hold. and I have spent a bit of time making earrings for the Activity Day Girls. If I was still a stay at home mommy I would probably be elbow deep in things like clip making, quilting, and whatnot. I LOVE what you do. You should totally go to my cousin Missy's blog SYTYC (So you think you're crafty?) It is AMAZING! You and Kare should totally compete on it. Google it and let me know what you think. Love ya.
Ooops! Not you and Kare... that would be redundant. I meant you and Kristi!
Found the link for you. Here it is.
Wow! You've done SO MANY cute things!!
You are very ambitious! And Crazy!
Miss you!
Cool ideas, I love the table - please post some pictures when it is done! How great to live in a city and find such deals! I'm afraid if I found a table with chairs for that little in Wyoming, they would have antlers sticking out somewhere...
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