I want to try something fun too. I'm ready to go get some candy! I'm talking the good stuff! (Not what people usually pass out at Halloween). I'll pick up some extra and send it to one of you! I'll also make a copy of this little painting and send it along. It's my way of getting everyone else nerdy-excited with me so I'm not alone in this. Leave your name (or more) in the comments. On Sept. 8th I'll draw a name of who to send some treats and this painting to. I'll post the winner on the 9th! Go ahead, don't be shy. Good luck to the only 5 friends that look at this blog. :) hahaha Oh- and one entry per person. :)
P.S. Kendyl says the kitty's name is Cat-tail and the witch's name is Pretty Spidery Girl. Just thought you'd want to know.
Maybe I have a chance to win??? I saw Helloween only on TV and in the cinema, and I read about it :) It's cute holiday, I would like to have it in my country :) Take care and have a wonderful weekend!
I want to win the painting! I must be one of your five friends, so count me in!
Please accept that as my official contest entry. Lindy and I were just talking this morning about how you do everything well. You're the coolest. We still need to visit you guys sometime. Maybe when I pick up my painting.
I think more than 5 people read your blog. That is a cute picture though, so pick me. I want it. And I wouldn't mind the candy either. And if you want, you can send me a costume or two for my girls to wear. Oh wait, Ashlyn already has an Ariel dress. So I just need one for Leah. OH and I'm still waiting for my Strawberry shortcake painting, although Ashlyn's not into Strawberry Shortcake anymore. So I guess Ariel will do for now. HA.....That should be your next painting. Disney Princesses. I just thought I would help you out. Don't you love me.
Oooh Ooooh! Pick me! Pick Me! (think Dori) I'll be friend #3! What a cute idea. Who wouldn't like to get candy in the mail along with a cute card??? Only crazy people I think.
I'd like to get in on this drawing!
Awesome, take me into consideration! Jess-a-hontas :)
I love you and your haluwen pitcher I WISH YOU WER AND I THINK YOU ARE THe mom ever and i am ecsiyed to a bug bit me too
You cute Kenzie! Don't worry, I'm buying enough candy for you and Kendyl and dad too. :) I'll give the prize to someone that isn't in our house, okay. Thanks for being such a sweetie.
Shane- Just so you know, I'm not good at everything, although I'll let you pretend. It's fun for me. Seth can let you know about being married to someone with too many interests and a screaming yellow personality- I do the fun things first, balance is thrown out the window, along with my ability to keep my house clean all the time. I get it sometimes though and then I start another sewing project or painting or whatever and chaos ensues once more in our household.
Does my entrance count separate from Shane's? If so, I want the painting too. I like Pretty Spidery Girl - she's so cute!
Well, appearantly I'm out of the running, but at least I can print out my own copy and get some of the candy anyway. What a great card. I love the color and the balance especially. Hooray for Halloween!
Wow...you so have more than 5 friends looking at this blog! I think i'm even somewhere around number 10! Your pictures are as cute as always. I wish I even had 1/100th of your talent. Unfortunately, I think Lauren could even paint better then I can! I like halloween too, but I am much more of a decorater then a costume person. We have boxes and boxes of halloween decorations but I am normally whatever I can pull together last minute for halloween. Are you making a new costume this year? What is it? Now that i've written you a book in your comments section.....
Please do count me in in on your drawing. I don't even care about the candy, but the painting is great, I love it! And if I don't win at all, if you count me as one of your friends that's prize enough!
I want in!! I love your blogs Karalenn - and your artwork is beautiful. By the way, I saw your pic on Stephenie Meyer's website. Your dress was amazing!
Melissa Styler
Hey! That's so fun! I was just at the store and all the Halloween stuff was out and I was SO excited! I had to stop myself from spending half my grocery budget on Halloween. Um, Pretty Spidery Girl looks like Kendyl to me. Also, I don't know what's with everyone else, but WHEN I win I definitely want the candy too. No true Halloweenian turns down candy!
Me- oh me! Add my name to the drawing! I love the painting Kare- and Sunny's right- Pretty Spidery Girl does, in fact, look like our Kendyl- I like that your witch has white hair rather than the run-of-the-mill black. Love you.
I love your paintings!
I will have an awsome picture to post with my comment next time, but I'm on the wrong computer that doesn't have my pics to add to my profile. Oh yeah, add me to the drawing too!
Enter the Millers from Colorado!! Your painting is awesome! Tyler is OBSESSED with Halloween too. We have as many Halloween decorations as Christmas!
I am so excited for Halloween too, because I want to dress Hayden up!!
I know we are going to win.
I am one of the true 5 friend leaving a comment to say how cute your card is, but this is NOT my official comment for the contest because it's not even the 8th yet! You said the 8th! So, I'll wait until then and since I followed the rules (unlike everyone ELSE out there!) I'll win the prize 'cause you said one entry per person HA!thpbt!
I am entering your contest as a test. I have felt for many years that you don't really like me. If I win the contest, you will show me that it isn't true and you always liked me. I guess I will see how you feel about me on the 8th.
John Dinger
Okay. So I definitely know that is Kristen as my "anonymous friend" whose comment that just was because she's the only one I know that has taken the time to memorize the raspberry noise in the Calvin and Hobbes comic books. :) Just so everyone knows you have until the 8th to post (that's when I'm going to draw a name), you don't have to wait until the 8th. So it's just fine and dandy that others have. In fact, it's great so I don't feel so nerdy and friendless. :) Go ahead Kristen, put your name in. hahaha silly. Wait a minute. It could be Nanette too because she learned the raspberry noise from Kristen. hmmm. ANyway, go ahead anyone and enter. :)
I love this! I love everything that you paint, talented you are! Didn't even read the treat part LOL, but that would be so nice! We're not used to Halloween actually, but it's gonna be our second one here in Canada this year...wonder what the girls are going to do!!
Can't wait to see your catch up cards!
Wow, your paintings are so lovely. This one is a cutie too.
Can't wait to see what you're gonna do with Em's challenge
ooh im so happy youre back to blogging - and with a fancy new blog design and all! your halloween painting is so cute! i can just imagine you getting all in a fluster of excitement over the upcoming holiday...i only wish i could see your costumes in person this year (wah!)...and that i could convince you to make them for my whole family too - hahaah!
we will have to come and visit soon!!!
I LOVE IT! I am so glad that I am not the only one who has already begun bugging her kiddos about what they want to be for Halloween! My kids always think that Halloween is any day now since I talk about it quite early and frequently! I love the painting and would be more than happy to accept some treats as well.
By the way, I think you ICMM castle idea is the absolute greatest! Just like you!
I LOVE Halloween as well and that is a great picture. when we go camping for labor day, that's when we sit around and nail down what our costumes are going to be so we can start getting them ready! i understand the bug!
that totally wasn't me, Kare.
I'm not kidding.
But it's wierd because I DID post a comment a few days ago and it never showed up! I'm glad I looked!!
I bet it was Nan.
I already entered. I'm actually responding to the post you left on my blog. Cuz ACTUALLY Utah has a WAY better version of a pizzookie than CA does. It's at the Pizza Factory and it's called NEVER ON SUNDAE. It's a fresh baked cookie with icecream, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce and whipped cream on top. So see...more stuff on top. Also, Pizza Factory has SUPER yummy breadsticks, a salad bar (which BJ's doesn't) and I actually like Pizza Factory's pizza better than BJ's. It's not as greasy. So see. You should go there. There is one in Provo right around where the cheap movie theater is.
Love your painting and I am glad you are back!
The Halloween bug has bitten us in our house too! My teenage daughter is already designing her T-shirt! We are just hope that our shipment gets here with the decorations!
OK OK. It was me. I'm glad I fooled you with Kristen's "thpbt" for a little bit. I should have put something about chocolate in too, I guess. ;) It is a great card! I'd love the candy too, but my gut doesn't need it!
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