For Emily's "Deck of Me" this week's challenge was: LOVE. Fitting for Valentine's Day. This image came immediately to mind. It's of me, my hubby Seth, and our two girls- Makenzie and Kendyl "secretly spying on the fairy kingdoms". (That's a direct quote from a song that Seth wrote on the guitar about fun adventures). So what I love first is my family and next is the magic we find and make together.
We're pretty into little magical stuff and playing pretend in this house. We're always finding places where magic has happened. I LOVE fairy rings! Seth proposed to me in a fairy ring that he made in a forest. He made his own toad stools out of clay and painted them and then hung twinkle lights all around the trees surrounding the fairy ring of moss and toad stools. He rented a prince costume and invented a glitter blower to fall on us and had beautiful music playing from the movie soundtrack of "Hook". (He hooked the lights and tape player and glitter blower up to a generator). He quoted a poem to me that he wrote as he proposed and got down on one knee. He designed my ring and it is a fairy ring of flowers and toad stools (and a diamond of course) :) It's the most beautiful thing!
Although we aren't as romantic, as often as we use to be, we still do some fun things from time to time and try to create adventures, i.e. for dinner tonight we all ate outside in our backyard at the table back there with candles and roses and turned on the white twinkle (fairy) lights in the trees and made up stories. If it had been just a little warmer we probably would have sat out there and played our guitars- we like to do that in the summer evenings. (With all the atmosphere, too bad the meal wasn't so elegant. :) I had been drawing and painting today so we all ate warmed up frozen burittos. -yum)
I'm so blessed and I LOVE my sweet husband and crazy fun girls (even when I'm cranky- which happens often enough). :)
It turned out great! Yay for feeling creative again!
What a beautiful story, your card is just gorgeous, I am loving your paintings :)
once again... Fantastic drawing!!
Its so special!!
another absolutely stunning painting you really are extremeley talented
such a beautiful painting...AGAIN! you are so talented...& have such vision, it's amazing.
& the story of your engagement was so sweet! that definitely sounded amazing!
love it love it love it
you have a great gift
I love your paintings! They have such life in them. Your card is lovely. Can't wait to see what you do with the next challenge...
wow seth! that is the coolest proposal story i have ever heard...i wish i had been a little fairy hiding in the forest to witness the magical event! this painting is my most favourite yet, i love your creativity and your magicalness!!!
I love it! And I loved reading what you wrote about it too. Man, you guys are the coolest family ever! Glad to know you.
So beautiful and so sweet! Love seeing what you create! You actually inspired me to do a (teenie - weenie) watercolor for this week's prompt (week 7)!
All of your drawings and painting are amazing. I am very impressed with how often you are able to create something so cool. You have a real talent.
I am lucky if I get intouch with my creative side once a year.
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