Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Come Join My "Follow The Prophet" Challenge - FREE DOWNLOADS

Our prophet is turning 100 soon! So I created a challenge leading up to his birthday to celebrate him better in my heart. About the challenge... 

I woke up yesterday with an idea of something I wanted to do and because I'm a nerd I spent the day making a chart to help me track my progress. The idea expanded more today and I created a calendar to keep up with it day to day and a little notes table to write up my thoughts as I go. Whenever I have this much fun I can't help but want to share it. So here it all is- for free! I'll have the downloadable link at the bottom.

Are you like me and have to have something on in the background while working or creating art? I like to listen to music, audiobooks and podcasts or have shows on a side screen nearby that I can listen to and glance at periodically. It actually helps my ADHD brain stay on task with what I'm doing. Some of you can relate, I'm sure. Lately, as I've been working on my art, I have felt a little more down- like I give up more easily when I get stuck or just don't feel the same amount of joy working on it as usual. I thought through it and realized I've been having a few shows on that don't exactly uplift. They are exciting, but dark, and overall I was just getting more and more down- it was affecting my ability to make art. So I began throwing in some conference talks at the start of my day. As I listened to those I felt inspired in lots of areas of my life and began to be less attracted to things that were dark. I didn't listen to them all day long. Just a little burst at the beginning of the day and it sets things in a good space for making better media decisions. Anyway, yesterday, I woke with the idea that it would be fun to listen to every General Conference talk that President Nelson has given before his 100th birthday on September 9th. 

I looked at my calendar and the talks he has given and realized that's 112 talks in 55 days (starting July 17th)- about 2 talks a day (with an extra talk on Aug 13th and Aug 26th). Totally doable for me when I listen to stuff for 4-6 hours a day while I create and have been listening to 1-2 talks a day at the start anyway. 

I felt a burst of excitement thinking about how much I would get to know him better and how it would bless my life. A few years ago, I was able to give him a piece of art I had made of paper cut layers building the scene of Joseph Smith's first vision. He had my piece placed in the Conference Center and he wrote me the sweetest thank you letter expressing how much he loved my art, my heart, my testimony, and expressing God's love for me and my family. It came at such an important time in my life and made a huge impact on me. I have been blessed to feel his goodness and have a testimony of him as a prophet, but that experience made him my friend. :) Just for fun, here is the picture that he sent me of him with my paper cut piece. If you want to see it in person, it's just in the main lobby of the LDS Conference Center in Salt Lake City. 

Back to the idea though- This download packet has a coloring chart to fill in as you listen to or read all 112 talks. I make these kinds of things all the time and it's so fun to see me progressing. There is also a breakdown of each day going from July 17 - Sept 9th and which talks to study each day in order to finish in time to celebrate his 100th birthday. When I study talks I like to have a journal near me to write the following: Talk Name, Speaker, Teachings, Insights, Promptings, Promised Blessings, Warnings, etc. and then a section at the bottom of how I can apply this talk to my life. It's something I've done since I was a teenager. Anyway, I've also added a printable to the end that follows that order if you'd like to take notes that way too. I get it, that might be too over the top, or maybe just over the top enough if you are a nerd like me. :) 

So... come join me! It's free! Please note, that just because I'm giving this out for free doesn't mean that you can use it to sell it. I want to offer this to anyone and I put in a lot of work making it. Thank you! Click on the download button to get your sheets. 

For reference if it helps to find the talks later I will make a list of them right here with the links to each of them when you click on the talk name. :)

1. Call to the Holy Apostleship (Apr 1984)

2. Protect the Spiritual Power Line (Oct 1984)

3. Reverence for Life (Apr 1985)

4. Self-Mastery (Oct 1985)

5. In the Lord’s Own Way (Apr 1986)

6. “Joy Cometh in the Morning” (Oct 1986)

7. Life after Life (April 1987)

8. Lessons from Eve (Oct 1987)

9. Keys of the Priesthood (Oct 1987)

10. “With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible” (Apr 1988)

11. Addiction or Freedom (Oct 1988)

12. The Canker of Contention (Apr 1989)

13. Woman - Of Infinite Worth (Oct 1989)

14. “Thus Shall My Church Be Called” (Apr 1990)

15. Choices (Oct 1990)

16. Listen to Learn (Apr 1991) 

17. “These... Were Our Examples” (Oct 1991)

18. Doors of Death (Apr 1992)

19. Where Is Wisdom? (Oct 1992)

20. Honoring the Priesthood (Apr 1993)

21. Combating Spiritual Drift - Our Global Pandemic (Oct 1993)

22. Constancy Amid Change (Oct 1993)

23. “Teach Us Tolerance and Love” (Apr 1994)

24. The Spirit of Elijah (Oct 1994)

25. Children of the Covenant (Apr 1995)

26. Perfection Pending (Oct 1995)

27. “Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods” (Apr 1996)

28. The Atonement (Oct 1996)

29. Endure and Be Lifted Up (Apr 1997)

30. Spiritual Capacity (Oct 1997)

31. A New Harvest Time (Apr 1998)

32. We Are Children of God (Oct 1998)

33. Our Sacred Duty to Honor Women (Apr 1999)

34. A Testimony of the Book of Mormon (Oct 1999)

35. The Creation (Apr 2000)

36. Living by Scriptural Guidance (Oct 2000)

37. Personal Preparation for Temple Blessings (Apr 2001)

38. “Set in Order Thy House” (Oct 2001)

39. How Firm Our Foundation (Apr 2002)

40. “Blessed Are the Peacemakers” (Oct 2002)

41. Sweet Power of Prayer (Apr 2003)

42. Personal Priesthood Responsibility (Oct 2003)

43. Roots and Branches (Apr 2004)

44. Senior Missionaries and the Gospel (Oct 2004)

45. Now Is the Time to Prepare (Apr 2005)

46. Jesus Christ - The Master Healer (Oct 2005)

47. Nurturing Marriage (Apr 2006)

48. The Gathering of Scattered Israel (Oct 2006) 

49. Repentance and Conversion (Apr 2007)

50. Scriptural Witness (Oct 2007)

51. Salvation and Exaltation (Apr 2008)

52. Celestial Marriage (Oct 2008)

53. Lessons From the Lord’s Prayer (Apr 2009) 

54. Ask, Seek, Knock (Oct 2009)

55. Generations Linked in Love (Apr 2010)

56. Be Thou An Example of the Believers (Oct 2010)

57. Face the Future With Faith (Apr 2011)

58. Covenants (Oct 2011)

59. Thanks Be to God (Apr 2012)

60. Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You! (Oct 2012)

61. Catch the Wave (Apr 2013)

62. Decisions for Eternity (Oct 2013)

63. Let Your Faith Show (Apr 2014)

64. Sustaining the Prophets (Oct 2014)

65. The Sabbath Is a Delight (Apr 2015)

66. A Plea to My Sisters (Oct 2015)

67. The Price of Priesthood Power (Apr 2016)

68. Joy and Spiritual Survival (Oct 2016)

69. Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ Into Our Lives (Apr 2017)

70. The Book of Mormon: What Would You Life Be Like Without It (Oct 2017)

71. Introductory Remarks (Apr 2018)

72. Ministering with the Power and Authority of God (Apr 2018)

73. Revelation For the Church, Revelation for Our Lives (Apr 2018)

74. Ministering (Apr 2018)

75. Let Us All Press On (Apr 2018)

76. Opening Remarks (Oct 2018)

77. Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of Israel (Oct 2018)

78. The Correct Name of the Church (Oct 2018)

79. Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints (Oct 2018)

80. We Can Do Better and Be Better (Apr 2019)

81. “Come, Follow Me” (Apr 2019)

82. Closing Remarks (Apr 2019)

83. Witnesses, Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, & Young Women Classes (Oct 2019)

84. Spiritual Treasures (Oct 2019)

85. The Second Great Commandment (Oct 2019)

86. Closing Remarks (Oct 2019)

87. Opening Message (Apr 2020)

88. Opening the Heavens for Help (Apr 2020)

89. Hear Him (Apr 2020)

90. Hosanna Shout (Apr 2020)

91. Go Forward in Faith (Apr 2020)

92. Moving Forward (Oct 2020)

93. Embrace the Future with Faith (Oct 2020)

94. Let God Prevail (Oct 2020)

95. A New Normal (Oct 2020)

96. Welcome Message (Apr 2021)

97. What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget (Apr 2021)

98. Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains (Apr 2021)

99. COVID-19 and Temples (Apr 2021)

100. Pure Truth, Pure Doctrine, and Pure Revelation (Oct 2021)

101. The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation (Oct 2021)

102. Make Time for the Lord (Oct 2021)

103. Preaching the Gospel of Peace (Apr 2022)

104. The Power of Spiritual Momentum (Apr 2022)

105. Now Is the Time (Apr 2022)

106. What Is True? (Oct 2022)

107. Overcome the World and Find Rest (Oct 2022)

108. Focus on the Temple (Oct 2022)

109. Peacemakers Needed (Apr 2023)

110. The Answer Is Always Jesus Christ (Apr 2023)

111. Think Celestial! (Oct 2023)

112. Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys (Apr 2024)