This innocent looking little girl is not quite so innocent after all. :) This is one of my paintings for my "little" Halloween project I began a month or two ago. The bottom half has some lovely little words that I took out to post on here. I thought I'd just show my painting. It doesn't give too much away. I was going to post a page/painting every day starting at the first of October as a count down for Halloween for fun, but have changed my mind. It's turning into a really lovely/morbid book and I think I might just try to submit it to some publishers. I hope writing that doesn't jinx myself. I like low pressure. Art for the sake of art. If I feel that I am on time constraints or people counting on me than I get all freaky and back away, but this project has made me so unbelievably happy that if I could get it published it would make me even more happy to feel like others would enjoy it too. I'll understand if no publishers are interested because it's more for the age of little kids, but at the same time has become too macabre to get many parents interested to buy for their children. This "Alice" painting is probably the most tame of all 27. I can't get myself to tone this book down at all. I feel that's where its charm lies. ~sigh~ I think now it will only appeal to those who like Tim Burton. So grown ups who are kids at heart, are a little twisted and like things playfully dark. If no publishers are interested by next Halloween I'll post them as a count down by then- sound good? It just wouldn't be a good idea to post my words, illustrations, and ideas if it were to actually be considered. Wish me luck. I've never tried anything like this before.