Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Few New Paintings and Penelope's Smile

I've been working on these paintings, but was only part way through on all of them and then I just finished these three around the same time so here's a few at once. I have a couple more that are part way as well that I will post in a few days when I finish. These are for Emily's Art Challenge this year of 52 Questions...

52Q- Week 6: If I could do it all again, would I change anything?

I took a photo of the miniature grandfather clock that the the clock store owner gave me when I was a little girl. I still have it and love looking at it. It's one of my favorite things.

52Q- Week 8: What was the last thing that made you laugh?

Here's a photo of our little Penelope laughing and I threw an extra one in of the look she always gives us when we are holding her. She's just so darn cute!

52Q- Week 11: What keeps me awake at night?

This is now found on Kristen's blog. :)


  1. You amaze me and I miss you.

  2. What a precious angel you and Seth have brought. Beautiful!

    Your paintings are wonderful and I love the comments on the back of each of them. Your passion for being a good mom and creating beautiful things is inspiring.

    Check out mom's clock wall on the slide show on Hillory's blog.

  3. so you share your painting list with me and I'll share my sewing list with you and maybe we can manage to kick each other in the butt enough to actually get something done?

    wanna race? :)
